承前启后 继往开来——在全国文联96工作会议上的发言

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去年中国文联成立了以高占祥同志为首的新的党组,制订了一系列有利于繁荣文艺创作,促进文艺界团结的措施,得到广大文艺工作者的拥护。特别是“晚霞工程”和“世纪之星”两项活动更是深得人心。我们的革命文艺取得今天这样的成果,不能忘记老一代文艺家在这块园地上开垦、奠基的作用。继承他们的光荣传统,总结他们的宝贵经验,对于发展具有中国特色的社会主义文艺,具有不可忽视的意义。同时,为了适应新的形势,开拓文艺工作的新局面,又要依靠无数具有才华和革新精神的青年文艺家们的奋发努力。因此,发现、扶植年轻的新人,培养跨世纪的文艺人才,乃是长远的战略性的措施。“晚霞工程”和“世纪之星”两项活动,正是含有承前启后、继往开来的深远意义。我认为这两项工作抓得好,抓得及时。文联和各协会的工作,归根到底,主要是为了“出作品,出人才”。要让老艺术家发挥余热,让年轻的艺术家爆出火花,我们的文艺才能出现灿烂辉煌的局面。 Last year, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles established a new party led by Comrade Gao Zhanxiang and formulated a series of measures conducive to the prosperity of literary and artistic creation and the promotion of the unity of the literary and art circles. It is supported by a large number of literary and art workers. In particular, “Sunset Project” and “Star of the Century” two activities is won the hearts and minds. Our revolutionary literature and art has achieved such a result today. We can not forget the role of the older generation of literary and art workers in reclaiming and laying groundwork in this field. Carrying on their glorious traditions and summing up their valuable experiences is of great importance to the development of socialist literature and art with Chinese characteristics. In the meantime, in order to adapt to the new situation and open up new prospects for literary and art work, we must count on the tireless efforts of countless talented and innovative young artists. Therefore, we find it is a long-term and strategic measure to foster young talents and cultivate literary talent over the past century. The two activities of “sunset project” and “century star” precisely contain the far-reaching significance of carrying forward the past and future. I think these two tasks are well-grasped and timely grasped. Literary Federation and the Association’s work, in the final analysis, mainly to “work out of talent.” To allow the old artists to exert their heat and let the young artists burst sparks, our art can emerge brilliant and glorious.
1 病例报告患者男,52岁。于1997年2月因消瘦、心慌、突眼及甲状腺肿大,伴纳差、尿黄、巩膜黄染,诊断为甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)及甲亢性肝病,服用丙基硫氧嘧啶100mg,3次/d,以
我妈妈很健康,虽然五十多岁了,但身体结实,面色红润,心平气和,一张笑脸,衣着朴素,精神得很。 早些年,我妈妈常得病,特别是呕吐加头昏症更是困绕着妈妈,以至有几次在路上呕吐