有书读毕竟是人生的一大幸事,关键时候的舍弃钱财,尤其是年轻时的不慕奢华,能耐住寂寞,能追求知识,不能不说,这是众多贫寒者告别平凡。走向卓越,走向新生,走向希望的关键一步,特别是在和平年代,建设年代。感谢自考,感谢学习,感谢生活,感谢苦难,感谢一切曾在苦难时刻同情过我、理解过我、支持过我、关心过我的善良的人们! 致敬!向甘于寂寞,不愿庸碌,勇于上进,直攀高峰的莘莘学子! ——谨以此文铭记一代人的艰辛求学路。
After reading a book is a great blessing in life, the key time to give up money, especially when young do not admire luxury, able to live lonely, can pursue knowledge, can not but say, this is the poor many say goodbye to ordinary. Towards excellence, new life and a crucial step toward hope, especially in times of peace and construction. Thank you for your self test, thank you for your study, thank you for your life, thank you for your misfortune, thank you for all who have sympathized with me during my time of misery, understood me, supported me, and been concerned about my kindhearted people! , Climbing the peak of the students! - I would like this article bearing in mind the hard way to learn a generation.