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眩晕宁口服液由天麻、陈皮、白芍等九味中药组成,具有抗眩晕、治头痛的功效,疗效显著。为控制其质量,笔者建立了眩晕宁口服液的薄层色谱鉴别方法。介绍如下。1 材料和试剂对照品天麻素、芍药苷、橙皮苷均为中国药品生物制品检定所提供。眩晕宁口服液为宁波市第一人民医院提供。试剂均为分析纯。硅胶 G 板为青岛海洋化工厂生产。2 方法和结果2.1 天麻的鉴别2.1.1 供试品溶液的制备取本品20 ml,用氯仿提取2次,每次20 ml,弃去氯仿层,再用水饱和的正丁醇提取2次,每次20 ml,合并正丁醇液,水浴蒸干,加乙醇2 ml 使溶解,作为供试品溶液。2.1.2 空白对照液的制备按处方(缺天麻)相当于20 ml的各味药,加水200 ml,小火微沸1 h,滤过,浓缩,醇沉,过 Dizziness Ning Oral Liquid is composed of nine herbs, including Tianma, tangerine peel and white peony. It has anti-dizziness and headache treatment effects, and its curative effect is remarkable. In order to control its quality, the author established a thin-layer chromatographic method for diagnosing vertigo naphtha. Introduced as follows. 1 Materials and reagents References Gastrodin, paeoniflorin, and hesperidin were provided by the National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products. Vernadione Oral Liquid is provided by Ningbo First People’s Hospital. The reagents are of analytical grade. Silicone G-plates are produced at Qingdao Ocean Chemical Factory. 2 Methods and Results 2.1 Identification of Gastrodin 2.1.1 Preparation of Test Solution Take 20 ml of this product, extract twice with chloroform, 20 ml each time, discard the chloroform layer, and extract twice with saturated n-butanol. Each time 20 ml, the n-butanol solution was combined, evaporated to dryness in a water bath, and dissolved with 2 ml of ethanol as a test solution. 2.1.2 Preparation of blank control solution According to the prescription (absence of Gastrodia elata) equivalent to 20 ml of each flavor medicine, add water 200 ml, small fire, slightly boiling for 1 h, filtration, concentration, alcohol precipitation, over
【摘要】本文根据货币数量论选取超额货币增速EMG作为衡量货币流动性的指标,运用协整检验方法与VAR模型探讨了货币流动性对股票回报与房地产价格的影响。研究结果表明,EMG的扩张推动了资产价格上涨,而相比于股票收益率,房价对于流动性变化的反应更为显著而迅速。  【关键词】货币流动性 资产价格 VAR模型  一、引言  一般来说,央行在政策调控时往往会盯住GDP、CPI这些实体宏观指标,但实际上,如果货