Mia Wasikowska: The Girl in Wonderland

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   Poland? Australia ?
  My name is Mia Wasikowska. I’m Polish, actually. My Mom is from Poland, and she migrated to Australia. My 1)nana just sort of 2)bundled my mother up and told her they were going to Germany for two weeks, but ended up going to Australia and then marrying, and they ended up living there.
   Acting & Ballet
  There were a few movies that got me interested in acting and cinema. My Mom used to have a lot of independent cinema and European cinema playing in the house, so the few that I really, really loved were 3)Krzysztof Kieslowski films.
  I wasn’t really into drama at school. I was really shy, so I didn’t like…I didn’t really like the drama classes as much, so it’s always surprised me that I’ve ended up in films.
  It wasn’t until I was about 15 that I’ve actually even thought about acting as a…as something I might do or as a career. So before that, I’d always done dance, and that had always been what I thought I’d end up doing.
  I started ballet when I was eight, and I went on point when I was about 13, I think. Yeah, I was really serious. I did about 35 hours a week and it was very, very intense. I just started not to enjoy ballet as much, ’cause it was so much about the physical perfection, and what I liked about film was that it explored more what…our imperfections, and that was something that really attracted me.
  I heard that you have…had to have an “Agent”to do film and television, so I did a Google search for acting agencies in Sydney, and then sort of 4)hounded one to take me on, and started doing auditions and, sort of, started doing short films and then some feature films in Australia, and then I started working in America on In Treatment. That was the first thing I did here.
  I’m quite good at being able to separate myself from my character, but I do have a lot of empathy for…for the troubled characters, and, although I’m not particularly troubled myself, I don’t think, I feel like I understand. Yeah, I don’t know, I understand them in some way.
  Particularly with In Treatment, when it came to the last episode of Sophie, I was, like, a mess, and it was just so hard for me to let go of that character,’cause she’d been…I was in America and I was, you know, in another country and away from family, and it was like…she was like my friend.
   Alice & Jane Eyre
  I did about five auditions for Alice before I got the role. I wore a 5)corset for the red dress and the...the blue dress at the very beginning of the film, and they were very painful, but I…I only realize now, having done Jane Eyre, that they were like such 6)sissy corsets.
  Ballet helps physically—acting physically—but, I mean, ballet was never like the pain of…of a corset. Ballet was more like your feet are killing, or…
  I always loved putting on the costume, and so, for Jane Eyre, it’s incredibly helpful just to understand that 7)repression and…and that pain, because you can’t even breathe properly in a corset, so…
   Make - believe
  I even remember playing dolls in an American accent when I was a kid. It was just like it was our 8)makebelieve.
   Any where
  It’s funny when I go home, people ask me where I’m from, so I…I feel like I could kind of live anywhere now.


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作者是从美国南加州大学毕业的MBA,后留校任教师。他迄今已在中国工作、生活了四年。在华期间,他曾任上海交通大学MBA课程的全职老师,在纽约大学上海交流中心授课,并给在华的外国企业提供跨文化管理咨询。他用自己的亲身经历讲述了对中国式教育的看法。    Only technical knowledge coupled with well-developed critical and creative