一、前言 南北问题是当前经济学家所应该致力研究的最重要的课题之一。为了彻底摆脱饥饿和贫困,人们正在摸索一条适合于发展中国家的经济发展道路。正因为如此,以试图摆脱发展中国家、进入先进工业国行列的亚洲新兴工业化经济为模式的东盟各国的迅速的经济发展才倍受人们的关注。
I. Introduction The North-South issue is one of the most important topics that the current economists should devote themselves to studying. In order to get rid of hunger and poverty completely, people are trying to find a suitable path for economic development in developing countries. It is precisely for this reason that the rapid economic development of ASEAN countries, modeled on the newly emerging industrialized economies in Asia, which are trying to get out of the developing countries and enter the advanced industrialized countries, has drawn much attention.