A Unified Model for the Degradation Kinetics of Pesticides Applied Continually to Soils

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaobaobeisss
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This paper deduces a kinetic model for microbial degradation of pesticides in soils:where x is the concentration of pesticide at time t, so the initial concentration of the pesticide, me the initial number of pesticide-degrading microorganisms, M the carrying capacity for the microorganisms, μ the specific growth rate of the microorganisms, and k the rate constant for the pesticide degradation.In periodic applications of pesticides, this model can be used to continuously describe every degradation curve. Whether a lag phase occurs or not, we can obtain the minimum residue of the pesticide (xe):xe=xdexp(-kMr)/[1-exp(-ker) ]where r is the regular time internals between applications, and xd the dosage of the pesticide. This paper deduces a kinetic model for microbial degradation of pesticides in soils: where x is the concentration of pesticide at time t, so the initial concentration of the pesticide, me the initial number of pesticide-degrading microorganisms, M the carrying capacity for the microorganisms μ the specific growth rate of the microorganisms, and k the rate constant for the pesticide degradation. in periodic applications of pesticides, this model can be used to continuously describe every degradation curve. minimum residue of the pesticide (xe): xe = xdexp (-kMr) / [1-exp (-ker)] where r is the regular time internals between applications, and xd the dosage of the pesticide.
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