The Definition of \\"Nation\\" and the Formation of the Han Nationality

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq85451619
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accepts J. V. Stalin’s Marxist definition of nation, but disagrees with his inference that a nation could not be formed in precapitalist stage. This inference, the paper alleges, is correct for Europe but not completely so for the rest of the world. By focusing on the four characteristics of a nation posed by Stalin and summing up the historical development of ancient Chinese economy, politics and culture, the paper demonstrates that as far back in the Qin-Han period, the Han nationality had already possessed these four characteristics and formed a stable community of people. accepts JV Stalin’s Marxist definition of nation, but disagrees with his inference that a nation could not be formed in precapitalist stage. This inference, the paper alleges, is correct for Europe but not completely so for the rest of the world. By focusing on the four characteristics of a nation posed by Stalin and summing up the historical development of ancient Chinese economy, politics and culture, the paper demonstrates that as far back in the Qin-Han period, the Han nationality had already possessed these four characteristics and formed a stable community of people.
武松决定杀掉潘金莲,为自己的哥哥报仇。在一套武打套路之后,他摆足了架势,挥刀插入自己“嫂嫂”的肚子,血就喷涌出来。  对于熟悉电视剧《水浒传》的内地观众来说,这只是这个长篇电视剧中司空见惯的武打场面。过程中甚至都没有交锋,很快就结束了。但是,这个几分钟的段落却让台湾中视电视台付出了30万新台币的罚金。与此同时,受罚的还有引进《新还珠格格》的台湾华视电视台。  由此,台湾地区对于电视节目的管理、分级