“灌输真知,表扬万物”。这是鲁迅为1912年创办于绍兴的《越铎日报》写的办报主旨中的话。然而,鲁迅后来失望了,到了他逝世的前一年,他叹道:“现在的报章之不能像个报章,是真的;评论的不能逞心而谈,失了威力,也是真的。” (一) 在鲁迅生活的那个年代,报纸上虚假的、失实的报道“俯拾皆是”。对这种状况,鲁迅是深恶痛绝的。他以笔为投枪,刺向制造传播假新闻的记者的恶习,刺向新闻失实的种种痼疾。鲁迅指出,新闻失实的痼疾之一是夸大
“Instill truth, praise all things.” This is what Lu Xun wrote in the theme of the newspaper Tudor Daily, which was founded in Shaoxing in 1912. However, Lu Xun was later disappointed. By the year before his death, he exclaimed: “It is true that the present newspaper can not be a newspaper. It is true that the commentary can not be discounted and lost its power.” (A) In the days of Lu Xun’s life, the false and misleading stories in newspapers were “abound.” To this kind of situation, Lu Xun is abhorrent. He used his pen as a shooter to stab the bad habits of reporters who fabricated fake news stories and stole the misstatements of news stories. Lu Xun pointed out that one of the untrue annihilation issues is exaggeration