Autumn climate changeable, many chronic diseases, such as joint pain, cervical spondylosis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, cold and other diseases prone. In the fall through the following exercise, recuperation of lung, health is quite beneficial. Some people’s nose nasal allergy to cold air, autumn, it is cold, runny nose. In this regard, regular massage nose is good. The specific practices are as follows: the thumb outside the friction between each other, with heat, with the outer side of the thumb along the bridge of the nose, nose massage on both sides of about 60 times, and then massage Yingxiang 20 times (Ying Xiang point at the junction of the nasolabial fold and the nose) 1 to 2 times daily. Upper body upper throat, sitting upright, head upward, neck straight, hand down the throat along the massage, until the chest. Alternating massage 30 times for one hand, can be done continuously 2 to 3 times. Note that the thumb and other four fingers open massage, tiger mouth aligned throat, press down from the chin, appropriate force.