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那个下雨天,寒风刺骨,我经过一条小街,空空荡荡的米粮店门口,泥泞的卷帘门半掩,伸出的屋檐滴滴答答掉着水,刚好足够遮住一张麻将桌。四个人围坐,专心致志地在屋檐下搓麻将,任凭路边人来人往,寒风凛凛,落雨纷纷,四人犹如仙人下棋一般,之淡定,之投入,叫人叹为观止。其实再没有比这更加市井、庸碌的画面了。但这是一种只有平原沃地才能造就的人文气氛与集体性格,不可言,不可说,会心者,可懂其中禅意奥妙。——七堇年《成都,我轻轻哼唱着它的歌》 That rainy day, blustery, I went through a small street, the empty grain rice shop door, muddy shutter door half cover, out of the eaves dripping off the water, just enough to cover a mahjong table. Four people sitting around, dedicated to rub the mahjong under the eaves, despite the coming and going of people on the road, chilly, falling rain, the four are like immortal chess in general, the calm, the investment, was breathtaking. In fact, no more marketable, mediocre picture. However, this is a kind of humanistic atmosphere and collective character that can only be created by the fertile land of the plain. It can not be said, but it can not be said. - Seven Jin years “Chengdu, I gently humming its song”