利用分子生物学方法对采自额尔齐斯河(中国段)的白斑狗鱼(Esox lucius Linnaeus)晶状体内寄生的复口吸虫(Diplostomum)进行了种类鉴定,结果显示其种类为假尾复口吸虫(D.paracaudum),为中国新记录种。通过PCR扩增待鉴定种的部分18S-ITS1-5.8S序列,测序后与Gen Bank中假尾复口吸虫的序列进行比对,发现其相似度达到99.6%。将该序列与7种复口吸虫的ITS1序列进行比对后构建系统进化树,进化树以单殖吸虫Gyrodactylus parvae为外类群,结果显示:待鉴定种与假尾复口吸虫(D.paracaudum)聚为一支,其支持率达到了50%以上,支持它们为同一虫种。
The molecular identification of the species of Diplostomum parasitized in the lens of Esox lucius Linnaeus collected from the Irtysh River (China section) was carried out by molecular biology. The results showed that the species was pseudocapsule Trematodes (D.paracaudum), a newly recorded species in China. The 18S-ITS1-5.8S sequence of the species to be identified was amplified by PCR, and compared with the sequence of GenBank in Gen Bank to find that the similarity was 99.6%. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing this sequence with the ITS1 sequences of seven species of Clonorchiasis. The phylogenetic tree was based on the genus Monodon (Gyrodactylus parvae). The results showed that D.paracaudum, In one, the support rate has reached more than 50%, supporting them as the same species.