刚刚进入不惑之年的马小光算得上迁安站的“元老”了。 1978年,他从北京电校毕业分配入局后,恰逢 220千伏迁安变电站投运。 22年来,从值班员到站长,方寸之地的变电站记载了他平实却无悔的青春。从投运至今,完成大小操作 25万余次无事故,创造了该公司 220千伏枢纽站安全运
Ma Xiaoguang, who has just entered the age of perplexity, is entitled to the “veteran” of Qian’an Station. In 1978, he graduated from the Beijing University of Electrical Distribution after graduation, coincides with 220 kV Qian’an substation put into operation. In the past 22 years, from the attendant to the station chief, the confidential power substation recorded his youth without regret. From commissioning to date, the completion of the operation of the size of 25 million times without accidents, creating the company’s 220 kV hub security transport