SGH E700号称是三星的旗舰机型,同时也是三星第一款采用内置天线的双彩屏贝壳手机。其外屏设计有些类似三星的E400,所不同的是E700将E400的屏幕旋转了90度,屏幕材质上则沿用三星手机流行的OLED并支持256色显示和96×64像素的分辨率。同时,在能够显示5行文字的主屏上依旧是26×34(毫米)大尺寸的65536色TFT高画质屏幕,128×160像素的分辨率能够给用户理想的视觉享受。不仅如此,E700的外屏还可以用来作内置数码相机拍照时的取景器使用。
SGH E700 claims to be Samsung’s flagship model, but also Samsung’s first dual-color shell phone with built-in antenna. The external screen design is somewhat similar to the Samsung E400, the difference is E700 E400 screen rotated 90 degrees, the screen material is followed Samsung mobile phone popular OLED and supports 256 color display and 96 × 64 pixel resolution. At the same time, in the main screen that can display 5 lines of text, it is still a 65536 color TFT high-definition screen with a size of 26 × 34 (mm). The resolution of 128 × 160 pixels can give users the ideal visual enjoyment. Not only that, E700’s external screen can also be used as a built-in digital camera when taking pictures of the viewfinder.