In recent years, the area of vegetable cultivation has been expanding year by year. Due to the man-made temperature and humidity suitable for the prevalence of gray mold disease in tomato, gray mold disease is more and more serious. In particular, overwintering stubble tomato incidence is generally 30% 50%. Botrytis cinerea has become the main disease of greenhouse tomato cultivation. 1 Disease Symptoms Botrytis infects the leaves, flowers, fruits and stems of tomatoes. Most of the leaves began to form “V” -shaped lesions from the tip of the leaves, which were inwardly inflated into the early stage. Petiole disease appears brown soft decay moldy layer, easy to break. Fruits infected regardless of size can be affected, the fruit near the sepals fruit surface appear flooding-like gray-white near the soft rot, quickly expanded to the surrounding, eventually make the whole fruit decay, the disease dense gray mold layer. Flower main disease