在我国饮食业,飞禽泛指野生鸟类,其滋味之鲜美,非一般食品所能比,故有“宁吃飞禽四两,不食走兽半斤”的谚语。津菜以擅长烹制河海两鲜和大小飞禽为其主要特色。大飞禽是指属于鸟纲、鸭科的几种野鸭;小飞禽即为铁雀。 野鸭古称凫,为清代“禽八珍”之一。天津地区河流渠道纵横交错,港淀泊洼星罗棋布,为秋去春来的天鹅、大雁等候鸟提供了栖息之地。但数量多、逗留时间长的还是各种野鸭。 按津门饮食业的习惯叫法,野鸭大致有把儿鸭、红腿、尖尾儿、鱼鸭、孤叮等几种。
In China’s catering industry, birds generally refer to wild birds, their taste delicious, non-ordinary food can, so “rather eat birds four two, do not eat animals and a half catty,” the proverb. Tsim Sha Tsui is good at cooking both fresh and large birds of the sea as its main feature. Large birds belong to the bird class, duck family several wild ducks; small birds that is the tit. Mallard Duck called the ancient Qing Dynasty “poultry eight Jane” one. The river channels in Tianjin criss-cross each other, and the Hong Kong Lake Po Park is dotted with cloths, providing a habitat for swans and geese to wait for the spring to fall. However, the number of long stay or a variety of mallard. According to the custom of Jinmen Catering Industry, ducks generally have ducklings, red legs, pointed tails, fish and ducks, and bouts.