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教育应适应现代社会的飞速发展,高中英语教学应扭转“一言堂”、“满堂灌”的现象,改变传统的教学模式对学生的束缚。在教学中实施自主学习可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生主动参与教学,给予学生自我发展的空间与机会,使学生快乐的学习,从而通过语言教学提高学生的综合能力,最终成为全面发展的人才。本文论讨了自主学习的重要性,并指出在中国高中英语教学中存在的弊端,主要包括学生缺乏自主性和合作精神。教师忽视了在英语教学中的主导作用。研究表明,为了解决这些问题,在教学活动中教师要确立以学生为主体和教师为主导观念建立和谐师生关系以便加强师生交流;创设教学情景以促进学生自主学习;尽量使用评价效应,激发学生学习的兴趣和自信;学生要确立主体意识学会自我管理。总之,在中国高中英语教学中实施自主学习,可使自主学习者成为终身学习者,以应对未来社会的需求。 Education should adapt to the rapid development of modern society. The teaching of high school English should change the phenomenon of “one word of speech” and “full house”, and change the shackles of students in the traditional teaching mode. The implementation of autonomous learning in teaching can stimulate students’ interest in learning English, enable students to take the initiative to participate in teaching, give students the space and opportunities for self-development, enable students to learn happily, and improve their overall abilities through language teaching, eventually becoming an all-round development Talent. This article discusses the importance of autonomous learning and points out the drawbacks that exist in Chinese high school English teaching, including the lack of autonomy and cooperation among students. Teachers ignore the leading role in English teaching. The research shows that in order to solve these problems, teachers should establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students based on the students as the main body and the teacher as the main idea in order to solve these problems. The teaching situations should be set up to promote students’ autonomous learning. The evaluation effect should be used as much as possible Students learn the interest and self-confidence; students should establish the subjective consciousness to learn self-management. In short, implementing autonomous learning in Chinese high school English teaching can make autonomous learners lifelong learners in response to future social needs.
唐代 ,在千山万壑、大江奔腾的长江三峡地区 ,生活着一个不为外人所熟知的少数民族———“獠人”。研究他们特有的风土民俗 ,对多层次、多视角地了解唐代的政治、经济、文化
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