With the continuous development of the social division of labor and the separation of the two forms of ownership, the specific and direct domination of the owner gradually changes to a conceptual, abstract, and indirect domination. The establishment of a stock company gives equity more general characteristics of the concept of ownership. As a whole, shareholders only conceptually and indirectly control the company’s property. Only shareholders can directly control the stock. This shows that the investor’s personal property and the company’s property have a clear demarcation line, and shareholders will only have limited liability for the company’s debt. The company owns the company’s property as an independent legal person. The shareholder’s input capital becomes the legal person’s assets. The company as a whole has its ultimate possessor as the shareholder. The main part of the company’s property is the legal person. The shareholders cannot bypass the legal entity’s direct operation of the company’s assets. In other words, it is based on legal entities.