毛泽东的党史观是毛泽东运用马克思主义的立场观点方法研究党史所形成的基本原则、基本观点和基本方法。毛泽东非常重视党史研究对指导革命实践活动和加强党的建设的重要意义。毛泽东对党史上的重大事件、重要会议和重要人物都作出过精辟论述 ,他提出和论述党史中所体现的辩证分析法、古今中外法、阶级分析法、比较研究法和史论结合法等 ,都是党史学的宝贵财富。
Mao Zedong’s view of the history of the party is the basic principle, basic view and basic method by which Mao Zedong studied the history of the party by applying the Marxist standpoint of viewpoint. Mao Zedong attaches great importance to the significance of the study of the history of the party in guiding the revolutionary practice and strengthening the party’s construction. Mao Zedong made brilliant expositions on major events in the history of the Party, important meetings and important figures. He proposed and discussed the dialectical analysis method embodied in the history of the Party, the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign laws, the class analysis method, the comparative research method and the history theory combination method Etc., are valuable historical wealth of wealth.