近期,苏州检验检疫局检验检疫人员在对辖区某出口企业的15吨聚氨酯橡胶硫化剂MOCA进行了包装使用鉴定。检验检疫人员对货物进行单证核查无误后,对单个纤维板桶进行称量时发现该批货物单件毛重称量为58.5 kg,超过包装性能单规定的最大毛重55 kg,不符合GB 19270.3-2003及《国际海运危险货物规则》中规定,判为使用鉴定不合格。
Recently, the inspection and quarantine staff of Suzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau carried out the packaging identification of 15 tons of polyurethane rubber vulcanizing agent MOCA of an export enterprise in the area. Inspection and quarantine staff to verify the goods after the document is correct, the weight of a single fiberboard barrel was weighed 58.5 kg weight of the single piece of the goods, exceeding the packaging performance of a single maximum gross weight 55 kg, does not meet the GB 19270.3-2003 And “International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code” provides that the use of identification failed.