本刊讯(特约通讯员钱开胜)日前,南宁市武鸣区润宇生态农业公司火龙果种植基地完成了出口注册登记,标志着南宁火龙果在广西率先获得出口国外通行证。目前,广西出口农产品质量安全示范区达到15个,其中国家级示范区9个,产品出口到130多个国家。据悉,十多年来,广西火龙果由零星种植不断向规模化发展,现已成为我国火龙果种植面积最大的区域,其中南宁市火龙果种植面积接近5 000 hm~2,产
Benxi hearing (special correspondent Qian Kai-sheng) Recently, Nanning Wuming District Runyu eco-agriculture company dragon fruit cultivation base to complete the export registration, marking the dragon fruit in Nanning, Guangxi took the lead in obtaining export permits. At present, Guangxi has 15 export-oriented agricultural product quality and safety demonstration zones, of which 9 are national-level demonstration zones, and their products are exported to over 130 countries. It is reported that more than 10 years, Guangxi dragon fruit from scattered planting continue to scale development, has now become China’s dragon fruit cultivation area of the largest area, of which Nanning City dragon fruit planted area close to 5000 hm ~ 2,