USB2.0规范凭借其较高的传送速率而使更加复杂和高度集成的外设设计得以实现。许多 USB 设计都采用了现场可编程门阵列(FPGA),以便将定制逻辑功能包容在内。由于 FPGA 具有易失性,因此它另外还需要一个处理器和一个大容量存储器以用于配置目的。应用于 EZ-USB 设计中的 FPGA
The USB 2.0 specification enables more sophisticated and highly integrated peripheral designs with its higher transfer rates. Many USB designs use field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to include custom logic features. Because of its volatile nature, FPGA also requires a processor and a mass memory for configuration purposes. FPGA used in EZ-USB design