一个方案能解决诸多困惑;一个方案能点得着火;该呐喊时岂能依旧沉默? 应该说,健力宝能独自扛起民族饮料业的大旗,能在“两乐”横扫世界。同业纷纷倒戈的形势下挺身而起,以12年的发展时间使1998年的订单达到78个亿,其速度与能量实在令人钦佩。笔者曾看到一篇《乐凯、柯达最新竞争势态之忧思》,深觉健力宝与乐凯仿佛是中国的两个命运和个性极为相近的兄弟,一个是与可口和百事抗争,一个是与柯达和富士较量,并且都在这种对抗中壮大了自
A program can solve many puzzles; a program can be set on fire; how can it still be silent when shouting? It should be said that Jianlibao can pick up the banner of the nation’s beverage industry alone and can sweep the world in “two music”. Under the situation where the same industry had been invaded, they stood up. With 12 years of development, orders for 1998 reached 78 billion yuan, and their speed and energy are truly admirable. The author once saw a “Worry about the latest competitive situation of Lucky and Kodak,” and felt that Jianlibao and Lekai seemed to be China’s two brothers with similar destinies and personalities. One was to fight against delicious and Pepsi, and the other was to Kodak and Fuji compete, and both have grown stronger in this confrontation.