Patient Lee, male, 64 years old, physician, has a history of coronary heart disease 8 years, angina pectoris after exertion, sustained for more than 10 minutes, can relieve sublingual sedation. The number of seizures increased in the past January, and recurrent episodes in 4 days were admitted on April 14, 1986. Check: heart to the left to expand, heart rate 60 times, pulmonary non-rales, abdomen (a), lower extremity no edema, blood pressure 110/70. Laboratory tests: cholesterol 5.172mmol / L, triglyceride 5.78mmol / L, blood glucose 5.068mmol / L, normal renal function. Electrocardiogram normal admission, on the fifth night suddenly occurred at the time of rest in severe precordial pain, accompanied by sweating, vomiting, sustained for 3 hours, when the ECG showed inferior myocardial ischemia, U wave changes in line with the diagnosis of variant angina . After a comprehensive treatment of heartburn + heartburn elimination, 3 hours after the ECG returned to normal (see photo), the symptoms disappear. It is characterized by episodes of ECG