件件轶事峥嵘 八十岁月辉煌——祝贺刘学昌老师80寿辰

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日月如梭,时光似箭,蓦然回首,轻武器的前辈——刘老已是80华诞。作为他的学生,回顾他的志趣、生活,自然话题多多,在此之际,采撷几则,同读者共庆共享,共同祝愿他老人家健康长寿!事业上的“创”从1953年开始,刘老先后参加了哈尔滨军事工程学院、炮兵工程学院、后勤工程学院步兵武器(后改称轻武器)专业的开办。1976年夏,在我军轻武器论证研究所的创办过程中,由他制定科研设备预算、科研计划,当时的情景仍历历在 As the moon and the moon, time flies, suddenly look back, light weapons predecessors - Liu Lao is 80 birthday. As his student, he recalled his interest, life and natural topics. In this occasion, he collected a few books and shared his thoughts with readers. He wished him common wishes for health and longevity of the elderly. Since 1953, Old has participated in the Harbin Military Institute of Technology, artillery engineering college, logistics engineering college infantry weapons (later renamed light weapons) professional start. During the founding of the Armed Forces Argument Institute of our army in the summer of 1976, he formulated the budget and scientific research plan for scientific research equipment. At that time, the situation was still vivid
今年3月31日,津巴布韦举行议院大选,总统穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)每天穿着色彩鲜艳的衬衫出来发表演说,鼓舞他的支持者们,精神抖擞,腰板挺直,身材硬朗,压根就不像一位81岁的老
目的 评价主动脉Valsalva窦内起源室性心律失常的心电生理特征和射频消融疗效.方法 18例起源于主动脉Valsalva窦内频发室性期前收缩或室性心动过速患者,其中男6例,女12例,均伴有明显的症状,但排除器质性心脏病.采用Valsalva窦内激动标测法,在局部心内电图室波最早处放电消融,同时行冠状动脉造影以评价室性心律失常起源点与冠状动脉开口以及主动脉瓣的解剖学关系.结果 18例患者均消融成功