目的分析新疆经典型卡波西肉瘤(kaposi’s sarcoma,KS)除人类疱疹8型病毒(HHV-8)感染外可能的相关发生危险因素。方法回顾性分析新疆地区30例经典型KS患者的民族、性别、年龄、居住地、临床表现等相关因素,并进行比较分析。结果经典型KS患者占本院同期收治的恶性肿瘤患者人数的0.86%,维吾尔族KS患者约占93.4%(28/30),汉族与哈萨克族各占3.3%(1/30)。男性患病率(0.13%)明显高于女性(0.02%),男、女性别差异有统计学意义。61~70岁年龄段KS患病率(40%)明显高于其他年龄段。KS患者主要临床表现以四肢皮损为主。结论民族、性别及年龄因素可能是经典型KS发病的相关危险因素。
Objective To analyze the possible risk factors of kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) in addition to the infection of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) in Xinjiang. Methods The related factors such as ethnicity, sex, age, place of residence and clinical manifestations of 30 patients with classic KS in Xinjiang were retrospectively analyzed and compared. Results The patients with classic KS accounted for 0.86% of the patients with malignant tumors admitted in the same period, while the Uygur KS patients accounted for 93.4% (28/30) and the Han and Kazaks accounted for 3.3% (1/30) respectively. The prevalence of males (0.13%) was significantly higher than that of females (0.02%). There was a statistically significant difference between males and females. The prevalence of KS in the 61-70 age group (40%) was significantly higher than in other age groups. The main clinical manifestations of KS patients with limbs lesions based. Conclusions Ethnicity, gender and age may be related risk factors for the pathogenesis of classical KS.