目的 总结疗养院几年来在高干科开展疗养管理的点滴经验 ,以便促进今后高干疗养科的管理工作。方法 对几年来在高干疗养科管理的各种做法进行收集整理。结果 通过三热三声 ,三好 ,三个第一 ,三不准 ,四心 ,五个团结。能使休养员在一个月的疗养中收到满意的疗养效果。讨论 良好的医德 ,热心的服务 ,耐心的工作等方法是搞好高干疗养科管理的关键所在。
Objectives To summarize the experiences of the Nursing Home for the management of recuperation in Gaogan Branch in the past few years in order to promote the management of high-calorie convalescence in the future. Methods The various practices that have been administered during the past few years have been collected and managed in the high-calorie treatment section. Results Three hot three, three good, three first, three not allowed, four hearts, five solidarity. We can let rest group member receive satisfactory healing effect in one month of convalescence. Discussing good medical ethics, enthusiastic service, patient work and other methods is the key to doing well in the management of high-calorie treatment.