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兰辉同志生前是四川省北川县副县长。2013年5月23日,他在检查乡镇道路和安全生产时不幸坠崖殉职,用48岁人生留下幽兰般的馨香,深受广大群众的爱戴。9月22日,习近平总书记作出重要批示:“兰辉同志始终把党和人民的事业放在心中最高位置,是用生命践行党的群众路线的好干部,是新时期共产党人的楷模。广大党员干部要学习他信念坚定、对党忠诚的政治品质,心系群众、为民尽责的公仆情怀,忘我工作、务实进取的敬业精神,克己奉公、敢于担当的崇高品格,牢固树立宗旨意识,自觉做到为民务实清廉,更好发挥表率作用,不断做出经得起实践、人民、历史检验的实绩。”中央组织部追授兰辉同志“全国优秀共产党员”称号,中央党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组、中央组织部、中央宣传部印发开展向兰辉同志学习活动的通知。学习兰辉同志先进事迹,对于践行党的 Comrade Lan Hui was born in Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, deputy head of county. On May 23, 2013, when he was checking the roads and safe production of towns and villages, he died on the cliff and died with a quiet orchial fragrance at the age of 48 and was deeply loved by the masses. On September 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction: “Comrade Lan Hui has always placed the cause of the party and the people in the highest place in his heart. It is a good cadre who lives with the mass line of the party through life and is a model for communists in the new era The majority of party members and cadres should learn from his firm belief in the political character of the party loyalty, the masses of the masses, the public servants with responsibility for the people, the selfless dedication, the dedication to pragmatism, Conscientiously do everything in their power to act in a clean and honest manner for the people and play a more exemplary role in order to continuously make achievements in examining practice, people and history. ”“ The Central Organization Department drafted the title of Comrade Lan Hui and ”Outstanding Communist Party Member of the Communist Party of China" The leading group for the practice of education in the mass line of the party, the Central Organization Department, and the Central Propaganda Department have promulgated a circular on carrying out learning activities with Comrade Lan Hui. Learn Comrade Lan Hui advanced deeds, the practice of the party
白介素 6(IL 6)是一种多功能的细胞因子 ,除涉及感染、炎症等急性期反应外 ,对T、B细胞的发育、骨髓造血细胞增殖均有很重要的作用[1] 。自多发性骨髓瘤患者血浆IL 6水平增高被发现
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