作为避孕工具的 节育环,深受广大 婚后需要避孕夫妇 的欢迎。这是因 为,放了环以 后,既可达到避孕目的,又不影响性生活的和谐,还能避免口服避孕药发生漏服及药物受潮变质的麻烦。所以,要放节育环已成为产后常用的一种避孕措施。据统计,产后以放环作为避孕方法者占80%之多。放环之所以受到欢迎,是因为放环是一种安全、可靠、一劳永逸,又是可逆的避孕措施。
Birth control ring as a contraceptive tool, welcomed by the vast number of married couples need contraception. This is because, after putting the ring, can achieve the purpose of contraception, but also does not affect the harmony of sexual life, but also to avoid oral contraceptives and missed the service of damp and deterioration of the trouble. Therefore, to put the birth control ring has become a commonly used contraceptive measures. According to statistics, post-natal ring as a method of contraception accounted for as much as 80%. The reason why the release ring is popular is that releasing the ring is a safe, reliable, once and for all, reversible contraceptive method.