李富春是杰出的无产阶级革命家 ,党和国家的卓越领导人 ,社会主义经济建设的奠基者和组织者之一。在中国共产党诞生 80周年之际 ,由房维中、金冲及主持编写的《李富春传》即将由中央文献出版社出版。全书共 2 0章 ,45万字。这里选载的是其中第 1 1章
Li Fuchun is one of the outstanding proletarian revolutionaries, prominent leaders of the party and state, and the founders and organizers of the socialist economic construction. On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the Biography of Li Fuchun, written by Fang Weizhong, Jin Chong and the host, is about to be published by the Central Literature and Publishing Company. The book is 20 chapters, 450,000 words. Selected here is Chapter 1 1