连作杂交晚稻秧苗,由于稀播长秧龄,秧田杂草多,秧苗易徒长.采用控水法虽可抑制秧苗徒长,但又增加了拔秧的困难.即使采用两段育秧,仍然不同程度地存在这些问题.近年来,我们在秧田使用化学除草剂时,发现秧苗适期适量喷施二甲四氯后,不仅除草效果较好,还使拔秧容易,花工少,并有一定的增产作用.为了明确秧苗期喷施二甲四氯的效果,在1979年和1980年进行了本试验,现将结果整理于后. 一、试验经过试验设在王宅公社马昂7队、桃溪公社陶村大队农科队和壶山镇星光大队农科队.
Continuous cropping hybrid rice seedlings, due to thinning broadcast long seedling age, more weedy seedling, seedlings easy to use long .Using water control law can inhibit the growth of seedlings, but increased the difficulty of pulling seedlings. Even with two sections of seedling, still to varying degrees In recent years, when we used chemical herbicides in the seedling field, we found that spraying proper amount of MCPA on the seedlings could not only improve the weed control effect but also make it easier to pull out the rice, less flower work, and increase yield In order to clarify the spraying effect of seedlings of MCPA, in 1979 and 1980, the test was carried out, the results are arranged in later .Test after the test set in the Wang Zha commune Ma Ang 7 team, Taoxi commune Tao village brigade farming team and pot town star brigade agricultural team.