一、“血亲复仇制”与“合木黑蒙古国”及“蒙古人” 12世纪的蒙古草原同更早的时期一样,在诸部落和部落联盟之间到处进行着无休止的战争和纠纷。其中最典型的要数蒙古和塔塔儿本部之间的关系了,在塔塔儿人内部也是如此。拉施特写道:“双方无论何时,一有可乘之机,他们(塔塔儿与蒙古)就彼此屠杀和抢劫。这些战争和纠纷长年持续。”他接着写道:“又一次,塔塔儿部落找到机会捉住了合
I. “Blood Revenge System” and “Mongolia Dark Wood Country” and “Mongolian People” Mongolian steppe in the 12th century, like an earlier period, endless wars and disputes are taking place between tribes and tribal alliances. The most typical one is the relationship between Mongolia and Tartar headquarters, as well as within Tatars. Rashter writes: “Whenever the two sides have a chance, they (Tatars and Mongolia) kill each other and loot each other.” These wars and disputes have lasted for many years. “He went on to say:” Again, Tartar tribe found a chance to catch together