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门神是中国古代节庆时驱邪纳福活动的产物,随着社会的发展,人们从信仰树木、禽兽等自然物并将它们作为守护门户的神灵,过度到自然物人格化的形象,并渐渐丧失它原来所具有的神性,越来越接近平凡的人间世界。在中国古代人的巫术宗教意识中,门神是十分重要的祭祀对象,由于中国传统建筑的封闭式特点,大门具有重要的护卫作用。远在2000多年以前的先秦时代就有祭祀门神的习俗。一、馆藏门神木雕分析洛阳老子纪念馆现藏的一对极富 With the development of the society, people from the belief in the natural things such as trees and animals and their gods as guardian portals over-personalityize the natural objects and gradually lose what it originally possessed Divine, more and more close to the common world. In ancient Chinese witchcraft and religious awareness, the door god is a very important sacrificial object, due to the closed nature of Chinese traditional architecture, the gate has an important role in guarding. As early as 2000 years ago, there was the custom of offering sacrifices to gods in the pre-Qin era. First, the collection of God of wood carving Luoyang Laozi Memorial Hall is a collection of very rich
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