乳房的大小和形状取决于遗传基因,是任何体操或者化妆品无法改变的。但是,位于颈、肩和乳房之间起着连接纽带作用的肌肉,却决定着乳房是否坚挺、结实、美观。因此,对于胸部肌肉的锻炼以及对乳房的保养也不容忽视,而且要越早越好!如果要等到乳房已明显松垂之后,才想起保养时,那时付出90%的努力,可能只会得到1%的回报。因此从现在开始,就要掌握养护知识和行之有效的锻炼方法。 1.冷水。热水洗浴之后,再用冷水冲洗乳房可以
The size and shape of the breast depends on the genetics and can not be changed by any gym or cosmetic. However, the muscles that act as a connecting link between the neck, shoulders and breasts determine whether the breast is strong, firm and beautiful. Therefore, the exercise of the chest muscles and the maintenance of the breast should not be ignored, and the sooner the better! If you have to wait until after the breast has obviously sagged, only think of maintenance, then pay 90% of efforts may only get 1% return. So from now on, we must master conservation knowledge and effective training methods. Cold water After hot water bath, wash the breast with cold water again