Interaction Theory of Asphalt and Rubber

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alan39
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Through scanning electron microscope (SEM), spectral analysis, and component analysis tests, the interaction theory between asphalt and rubber was discussed. It is concluded that rubber powder become soft and bond together with each other after being mixed with asphalt. The asphalt changes from a smooth homogeneous matter to a continuous mixing system which is composed of rubber powder and asphalt. The interaction is mainly physical diffusion, but there are some chemical reactions in the process, especially at long reaction time. Through scanning electron microscope (SEM), spectral analysis, and component analysis tests, the interaction theory between asphalt and rubber was discussed. It is said that that rubber powder become soft and bond together with each other after being mixed with asphalt. a smooth homogeneous matter to a continuous mixing system which is composed of rubber powder and asphalt. The interaction is mainly physical diffusion, but there are some chemical reactions in the process, especially at long reaction time.
蔡明亮  1957年出生于马来西亚,从小由外公、外婆带大,习惯孤独。蔡明亮于1977年来到中国台湾,转年考入了台北中国文化学院戏剧系影剧组。1991年开始执导电影和电视剧,主要作品有《青少年哪吒》、《爱情万岁》(获威尼斯电影展金狮奖)、《天边一朵云》、《黑眼圈》等。蔡明亮的电影更多时候是抽象的,抽象到了简约,满含象征意味的符号可以组合为一个充满隐喻的系统。电影所讲述的故事,像是现实世界,又全然不像
日前,政府行政管理体制改革国际研讨会在北京召开。此次会议由国家发展改革委、世界银行联合举办,国务院有关部门、部分省市政府的主要负责同志和地方主管改革的负责人,国内著名专家以及来自孟加拉国、俄罗斯、瑞典、印度、韩国、斯洛伐克、澳大利亚七个国家的高级官员和知名学者共150多人参加了会议。国务院有关部门负责同志、部分地方政府负责同志、国内外有关专家学者在会上就政府职能转变等问题,进行了深入研讨。  国家