十年磨一剑,多用来形容某人对某事执着、拼搏的精神。而今,在广东东莞大岭山这块以出口家具而闻名遐迩的土地上,就有这样一位台商。他凭着对祖国有一颗赤诚之心,以及对家具行业的执着,在大岭山这块热土上,十年如一日地奉献着自己的真诚,也创造着事业的辉煌。 9月8日下午,记者在大岭山台(?)家具入厂有幸见到了这位出日家具行业的领航者——东莞台异家具有限公司董事长、东莞台商投资协会常务副会长郭山辉先生。健谈的郭董事长告诉记者,他来东莞从事家具行业已经十年了。十年前,他先后在福建、
Ten years of grinding sword, used to describe someone dedicated to something, the spirit of hard work. Today, there is such a Taiwanese businessman in Dalingshan, Dongguan, a land well-known for exporting furniture. He has a sincere heart to the motherland, as well as the dedication to the furniture industry, in this hot spot of Daling Shan, dedication over the years of their own sincerity, but also create a brilliant career. On the afternoon of September 8, the reporter was fortunate enough to see the furniture manufacturer in Dalingshan, the leader of the furniture industry in Taiwan, the chairman of Dongguan Taifai Furniture Co., Ltd. and the executive vice president of Dongguan Taiwanese Investment Association Mr. Guo Shanhui. Talkative Guo, chairman told reporters that he came to Dongguan in the furniture industry for ten years. Ten years ago, he worked in Fujian,