一、破除迷信、解放思想 今年夏季山东省地质局区测第一大队(北京地质勘探学院山东大队)在鲁西北广大的黄河冲积平原上进行水文地质测绘工作,发现许多水井是打在粘土层上的。老乡说:“粘土出泉水,又不塌井”。开始时大家半信半疑,后来打了许多钻孔,证实遇到红色粘土层就出水,但是不敢承认粘土是含水层,因为过去课堂上讲的与书本上写的粘土都是不透水层,所以有的就说:“那里听说过粘土是含水的。”有一个学生打钻时明明遇到粘土出水,但编录
First, to get rid of superstition and emancipate the mind This summer, the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geological Survey No. 1 Brigade (Beijing Institute of Geological Exploration, Shandong Brigade) in the vast northwest of the Yellow River alluvial plain hydrogeological mapping work and found that many wells hit the clay layer of. Fellow said: “Clay spring water, they do not collapse well.” Initially, we were skeptical. Later, we drilled a lot of holes and confirmed that we encountered water in the red clay layer. However, we did not dare to admit that clay was an aquifer because in the past, the clay in the classroom and in the books was impervious to water. Said: “There have been heard of clay is water.” A student obviously encountered clay when drilling water, but the catalog