Raj Prasanna、Malcolm King和Lili Yang对一项全新无线技术具备的优势进行探讨,这项技术在实施救援程中对消防员的安全和决策制定均有所帮助。最近,英国拉夫堡(Loughborough)大学研究小组在进行一项关注用于消防救援服务的无线传感器网络的研究项目。这项名为Secure Adhoc Fire and Emergency Safety Network(SafetyNet)的项目拥有1300000英镑的研究经费,主要由英国技术战略委员会资助,还有一部分来自于行业捐助。
Raj Prasanna, Malcolm King and Lili Yang discuss the benefits of a new wireless technology that helps firefighter safety and decision-making in the rescue effort. Recently, a research team at the University of Loughborough in England conducted a research project focused on wireless sensor networks for fire rescue services. The project, called the Secure Adhoc Fire and Emergency Safety Network (SafetyNet), has £ 1,300,000 in research funding, mainly funded by the British Council’s Technology Strategy Committee and partly by industry donations.