I grew up on a New Jersey farm and we have 200 chickens, 50 pigeons, 5 pigs, 3 dogs, 3 cats and 1 cow. At that time, I always felt fate unfair to me: parents do not let me do what I want to do; friends laugh at me; the teacher does not appreciate my efforts. Whenever a dog does something bad, I punish it and take the opportunity to vent my anger on life. The standard practice is to poke a dirty carpet or bitten slippers on a dog’s nose, then hit it with a newspaper or hand. My favorite dog, Fei Kesen, is a German Shepherd. When it made a mistake, I always beat it while shouting: “You’re so bad! Bad dog! You’re so bad!” Fei Keson always bowed low, angrily ran away. To me, this is an anger release, but now, in retrospect, my approach probably only puzzles it.