Separation of primary Si phase and removal of boron in the primary Si phase during the solidiifcation process of the Al-30%Si-10%Sn melt under a traveling magnetic field (TMF) were investigated. The results showed that the agglomeration layer of the primary Si can be formed in the periphery of the ingot while the inner microstructures mainly consist of the eutectic α-Al+Si and β-Sn phases. The intense melt lfow carries the bulk liquid with higher Si content to promote the growth of the primary Si phase which is ifrst precipitated close to the inner wal of crucible with a relatively lower temperature, resulting in the remarkable segregation of the primary Si phase. The content of impurity B in the primary Si phase can be removed effectively with an increase in magnetic lfux intensity. The results of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) clearly indicated that the average intensity of the B Ka line in theα-Al phase region of Al-Si-Sn aloy is higher in the case of solidiifcation under TMF than that of normal solidiifcation condition, suggesting that the electromagnetic stirring can promote the B removal from the primary Si phase.