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上集1.滕州烈士陵园日坐在轮椅上,已经是93岁高龄的白露用颤巍巍的手抚摸着一座墓碑,浑浊的泪水夺眶而出。白色大理石墓碑上,镶嵌着王铭章烈士的照片,黑色字体记载着将军的生卒年月。白露的重孙女燕子将一束鲜花放在墓碑前,然后从包内拿出一瓶准备好的白酒,交给老奶奶。白露将酒洒在墓前。2.滕县南门日(闪回)张宣武:“我不走,我不走。”王铭章:“糊涂,难道你的生命仅仅是你一个人的吗?保护好白露小姐,你们一定要活着出去,把滕县的情况报告李司令长官,快!” Episode 1. Tengzhou Martyrs Cemetery sitting on a wheelchair, is already 93-year-old white lotus trembling hand touching a tombstone, muddy tears sobbed. White marble tombstone, inlaid with a photo of Wang Mingzhang martyrs, black fonts recorded the general’s year of birth and death. White dew granddaughter of the swallow a bouquet of flowers on the tombstone before, and then took out from the package a bottle of prepared liquor, to the grandmother. Bai Lu will sprinkle wine at the tomb. 2. Teng County South Gate Day (flashback) Zhang Xuanwu: “I do not go, I do not go. ” Wang Mingzhang: “confused, Is your life just you alone? Be sure to go out and report the situation in Tengxian to Commander Lee, fast! ”