1临床资料患者,女,32岁,于2013-09-16我院体检颈部B超提示:甲状腺右侧叶内见一低回声结节,大小1.9 cm×1.3 cm,境界清,内部回声欠均匀(图1A、B)。无不适症状,否认高血压病史,直系亲属中无甲状腺病史。体格检查:右侧甲状腺饱满,腺体可触及一枚2 cm×1 cm大小结节,质中,无明显触痛,随吞咽上下活动,颈部浅表淋巴结未触及肿大。辅助检查:甲状腺功能正常,甲状旁腺素、降钙素正常。颈部增强CT提示:右叶甲状腺外形增大,内可见形态不规则的低密度病灶,呈分叶状,边界清楚,增强后轻度强化。于2013-09-30行手术探查,术中见右侧甲状腺
1 clinical data, female, 32 years old, 2013-09-16 B ultrasound examination of the neck in our hospital Tip: see a hypoechoic nodule in the right side of the thyroid, the size of 1.9 cm × 1.3 cm, the realm clear, internal echo less Uniform (Figure 1A, B). No symptoms, no history of hypertension, no direct history of thyroid disease. Physical examination: the right thyroid full, the gland can reach a size of 2 cm × 1 cm nodules, quality, no obvious tenderness, with swallowing up and down activities, cervical superficial lymph nodes did not touch the enlargement. Auxiliary examination: thyroid function is normal, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin normal. Cervical enhanced CT Tip: right thyroid gland shape increased, the irregular shape of low-density lesions can be seen within the lobulated, clear boundary, enhanced mild enhancement. Surgical exploration in 2013-09-30, see the right thyroid surgery