为了对孕产妇进行健康教育 ,提高她们的卫生知识、健康意识和育儿能力 ,中牟县妇幼保健院自 1998年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 2月对 75 6例孕产妇进行妊娠生理、孕产期保健、自我监护、科学育儿等急需知识教育 ,与同期住院而未进行健康教育的 2 32 3例孕产妇就健康状况及妊娠结局进行比较评价教育效果。结果显示 :健康教育组妊娠晚期贫血检出率 (2 5 .5 3% )低于对照组 (39.0 4% ) ;动态高危妊娠低于对照组 ,如过期妊娠及低出生体重儿发生率前者为 5 .95 %和 4.2 3% ,而后者分别为 9.77%和 7.19% ;围产儿死亡率健康教育组为 16 .6 5‰ ,对照组为 2 8.89‰ ,以上差异经统计学处理均有显著性。提示对孕产妇进行健康教育对提高孕产妇身体素质 ,降低高危妊娠 ,降低围产儿死亡率等诸多方面有重要意义
In order to carry out health education on pregnant women and improve their health knowledge, health awareness and child-rearing abilities, Zhongmu County Maternal and Child Health Hospital from January 1998 to February 2000 756 cases of pregnant women pregnant physiology, pregnancy 2 32 3 maternal mothers who were hospitalized in the same period but did not receive health education were evaluated on their health status and pregnancy outcome by comparing their educational needs with the urgent needs of knowledge education such as health care, self-care and scientific childcare. The results showed that the detection rate of anemia in late pregnancy was lower in the health education group (25.33%) than in the control group (39.0%); the dynamic high-risk pregnancy was lower than that in the control group, such as over-pregnancy and low-birth-weight While the latter were 9.77% and 7.19% respectively. The perinatal mortality rate was 16.65% in health education group and 2.889% in control group. The above differences were statistically significant . Prompted for the health education of pregnant women to improve maternal physical fitness, reduce high-risk pregnancy, reduce perinatal mortality and many other aspects of great significance