目的 了解浦东新区成人糖尿病患病情况及其相关因素. 方法 采用多阶段随机抽样方法,于2013年对浦东新区≥15岁常住居民共10 657人进行问卷调查、体格检查和实验室生化指标检测. 结果 浦东新区成人糖尿病、糖耐量受损和空腹血糖受损的患病率分别为20.18%、11.39%和5.32%(标化率分别为9.94%、6.59%和3.04%),新诊断糖尿病比例占40.20%. 多因素Logistic回归分析发现,年龄、性别、文化程度、糖尿病家族史、向心性肥胖、高血脂、高血压等变量为糖尿病患病的主要相关因素. 结论 浦东新区成人糖尿病患病率处于较高水平,有糖尿病家族史、向心性肥胖、有高血脂或高血压的人群是浦东新区成人糖尿病预防控制的重点人群.“,”Objective To investigate the prevalence and related factors of diabetes in adults of Shanghai Pudong New Area. Methods A total of 10 657 residents aged above 15 years were randomly multistage sampled from Shanghai Pudong New Area and questionnaire survey, physical examination, and laboratory biochemical detection were conducted in 2013. Results The prevalence of diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glucose were 20 .18%, 11 .39% and 5 .32% respectively ( the standard rates were 9.94%,6.59% and 3.04%).The proportion of undiagnosed diabetes was 40.20%. Age,gender,educational level,family history of diabetes,central obesity,hyperlipidemia and hypertension were related factors in the prevalence of diabetes according to the results of multiple logistic regression analysis. Conclusion Diabetes in adults of Shanghai Pudong New Area was highly prevalent.Integrated intervention should be focused on those with family history of diabetes, central obesity, hyperlipidemia or hypertension.