Using Codamotion motion capture system and Footscan plantar stress test system, 111 children aged 7 to 11 years without obvious physical defects and walking disorders were tested. According to the children’s BMI index, 10 groups of obese children and 10 age groups were selected, The normal children with similar height were subjected to data analysis to study the periodic changes and differences of ankle angle, knee angle, ankle angle and head anteversion in walking exercise and to analyze the plantar pressure center trajectory and Changes of gait phase. The results showed that at the early stage of swinging, the angle of knee joint in obese children was significantly less than that in normal children. In the forefoot, the knee joint angle of obese children was smaller and the degree of knee joint flexion was smaller than that of normal children. Bottom pressure center trajectory in the x-axis range, wider than the normal range of children, and large displacement along the lateral direction of the foot, indicating that obese children in the process of walking stability is poor, more likely to cause physical foot eduction in childhood .