利用兔大脑中动脉阻断型(MCAo)模型测定局灶性脑缺血后脑组织内9种游离氨基酸含量的时相变化与 Ca++含量的关系。结果提示:兴奋性氨基酸谷氨酸在缺血后2小时早期显升(P<0.05),至24小时达高峰(P<0.001),门冬氨酸、丙氨酸至24小时亦显升(P<0.01~0.001);抑制性氨基酸如γ—氨酪酸、牛磺酸、甘氨酸亦有不同程度的升高。脑组织 Ca++含量在脑缺血后亦随时相递升。文中探讨了阻断氨基酸神经毒性作用在防治脑缺血中的前景。
The middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) model was used to determine the relationship between the phase changes of Ca (superscript 2 +) and the content of 9 free amino acids in brain tissue after focal cerebral ischemia. The results suggest that excitatory amino acid glutamate increased significantly (P <0.05) two hours after ischemia, peaked at 24 hours (P <0.001), aspartic acid and alanine increased to 24 hours P <0.01 ~ 0.001); inhibitory amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid, taurine, glycine also increased to varying degrees. Ca ++ content in brain tissue also increased at any time after cerebral ischemia. The article explored the prospects of blocking amino acid neurotoxicity in the prevention and treatment of cerebral ischemia.