2008亚太广告节于3月26日至3月29日在泰国风景秀丽的芭堤雅举行。经过10余年的发展,亚太广告节已经成为亚太区内颇受瞩目和欢迎的年度广告盛典。此次活动共收到来自亚太区内33个城市、402家广告公司提交的5148件作品,另外还有来自19个城市的63名创意首脑组成评委对这些作品进行了严格挑选和评奖,规模之大,真可以算是广告界的一次盛会。在众多的参与作品中,佳作迭出,不少作品让人耳目一新,甚至叹为观止。吉隆坡JWT公司为Scott Kithen Towels做卫生纸广告《吸收》(见左图),将极具内涵的创意和令人拍案的表现方式完美地结合起
The Asia Pacific Advertising Festival 2008 was held in the scenic Pattaya, Thailand from March 26 to March 29. After more than 10 years of development, the Asia Pacific Advertising Festival has become an annual advertising event attracting much attention and popularity in the Asia Pacific region. The event received a total of 5,148 works submitted by 402 advertising agencies from 33 cities in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, 63 creative leaders from 19 cities selected the judges for their rigorous selection and awards. The scale Big, really can be regarded as an event in the advertising industry. Among the many participating works, masterpieces come out in succession. Many works are refreshing and even spectacular. JWT, Kuala Lumpur, for tissue paper ads, Scott Kithen Towels, “Absorb” (see photo on the left), a perfect combination of highly creative ideas and stunning performance