苏联南极科学考察队即将出发到南极开始进行地球物理学研究工作。考察队乘坐的排水量一万二千六百吨的“鄂毕号”远洋轮船在11月30日将由加里宁格勒出发;辅助船“勒拿号”将在12月15日从同地出发。 11月18日,苏联科学院主席团开会讨论了苏联南极科学考察队的准备工作和工作计划。按照已定的计划,考察队将由海洋部分和大陆部分两部分组成。这两大部分下面又各分成若干小队。为了在南极的陆地部分进行考察工作,将建立三个科学站。海洋部分的考察工作将由“鄂毕号”远洋轮船担任.“光荣号”捕鲸船队和其他捕鲸船
Soviet Antarctic Scientific Expedition Coming to Antarctica to begin geophysical research work. Expeditionary fleet of 12,600 tons displacement of the “Obi number” ocean-going vessels will be starting from Kaliningrad on November 30; auxiliary ship “Lena” will be starting from the same on December 15. On November 18, the presidium of the Soviet Academy of Sciences held a meeting to discuss preparations and work plans for the scientific research team of the Antarctic Soviet Union. According to the plan has been set, the expedition team will be composed of the ocean part and the mainland part. Below these two parts are divided into several small teams. Three scientific stations will be established for the purpose of expeditions to the Antarctic land portion. The marine part of the inspection work will be the “Obi No.” ocean-going vessels as the “honorable” whaling fleet and other whalers