
来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caoxiao771
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随着我国经济以及社会的发展,社会对英语人才的要求也越来越高,国家将中等专业学校升格为高等职业技术学院,以为国家培养更多的实用型人才。但是,高职学生英语口语表达能力一直是我国高职英语教学的薄弱环节,高职学生在口语学习方面存在着一定的问题和困难,针对目前我国存在的高职学生英语口语教学问题,分析了高职院校教学的现状,并针对性的提出解决问题的措施,以促进我国高职英语的发展。 With the economic and social development in our country, the demand for English talents in the society is also getting higher and higher. The state upgrades secondary specialized schools to higher vocational and technical colleges in order to cultivate more practical talents for the country. However, the ability of oral English of higher vocational students has always been the weak link in English teaching in higher vocational colleges. Students in vocational colleges have some problems and difficulties in oral English learning. In view of the current problems of oral English teaching in vocational colleges in China, The current situation of teaching in higher vocational colleges and put forward some measures to solve the problems so as to promote the development of higher vocational English in our country.
Globalization has a great impact on the contemporary education, especially on education policymaking. In this paper, the impact will be illustrated in two aspec
车牌自动识别技术(Automatic Plate Identification Technology)是智能交通系统的核心技术,它可以实现交通管理的智能化,也加强了车辆检测系统的规范化。车牌识别技术的发展