在新疆的塔克拉玛干大沙漠上,生长着一种被人们赞誉为“沙漠勇士”的树木——胡杨。塔克拉玛干,维吾尔语的意思是“死亡之海”。在那里,年降雨量只有十几毫米,是世界上罕见的缺雨、干旱之地。在其它树木难以生存的恶劣自然环境里,胡杨却凌风傲沙,巍然挺立。 98年创个人业绩新疆第一、全国第九,2000年闯荡广州、加盟泰康广州公司的保险推销员郑雷鸣就是从这里起步做寿险推销的。
On the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang, there is a growing Populus euphratica, a tree praised by people as the “Desert Warrior.” Taklamakan, Uyghur means “the sea of death.” There, annual rainfall of only a dozen millimeters, is the world’s rare rain, drought. In other harsh natural environment difficult to survive in the trees, Populus is Ling-feng proud sand, Wei Ran stand. 98 personal achievements in Xinjiang in the first place, the ninth in the country in 2000, battles in Guangzhou, joined Taikang Guangzhou insurance salesman Zheng Lei Ming is starting from here to do life insurance sales.