四川省峨边彝族自治县境内,有座名唤“黑竹沟”的峡谷,历史上曾发生过数十起人畜神秘失踪事件,因而被称为“中国的百慕大”。黑竹沟处在四川盆地与川西高原山地的过渡地带、海拔4 288米的马鞍山东坡,方圆185平方千米,是一片人迹罕至的原始森林区域。沟内林海苍茫,岩壁陡峭,猿啼熊啸,陷坑暗河,阴森吓人。当地的彝族同胞无人敢进这个神秘而又恐怖的“魔沟”,因为他们的祖祖辈辈传下古训:此沟不能进,若在沟中说话或轻咳都会惊动山神,山神会放出毒雾,将人吞没!
There is a gorge called “Heizhugou” in the border area of Sichuan Yibian Autonomous County. There have been dozens of mysterious disappearances of humans and animals in the history, and it is known as “Chinese Bermuda”. Located in the transitional zone between the Sichuan Basin and the plateau of the Western Sichuan Plateau, the Black Bamboo Ditch is located in the saddle east slope of 4288 meters above sea level. It has a radius of 185 square kilometers and is an untouched primeval forest area. In the trenches, forests are vast, steep cliffs, raging cubs, dark rivers and scary clouds. No one in the local Dai nationality would dare to go into this mysterious and terrible “magic ditch.” Because their ancestors passed down ancient wisdom from generation to generation: The ditch cannot enter. If you speak or cough in the ditch, you will start to disturb the mountain gods, and the mountain god will give off poisonous fog. Swallow people!